Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mafia Wars Vs Real Mafia Drug Dealers

The game Mafia Wars is a fun and almost addictive game, it's
by far my favorite game to play online. The idea is violent
conflict between criminal organizations, but what about the
real mafia wars in the 20th century?

The First Mafia War was the first high-profile conflict
between Mafia clans in post-war Italy (the Sicilian Mafia has
a long history of violent rivalries).

In December 1962 some heroin went missing from a shipment to
America. When the Sicilian Mafia Commission could not decide
who was to blame, one of the clans involved - the La Barbera
clan - took matters into its own hands. They murdered a mafioso
from the Greco clan whom they suspected of stealing the heroin,
triggering a war in which many non-mafiosi would be killed in
the crossfire.


In April 1963, several bystanders were wounded during a shootout
in Palermo. In May, Angelo La Barbera survived a murder attempt
in Milan. In June, six military officers and a policeman in
Ciaculli were killed while trying to dispose of a car bomb.

The fact that the conflict spread outside Sicily and claimed
innocent lives provoked national outrage and a crackdown in
which nearly 2,000 arrests were made. Mafia activity fell as
clans disbanded and mafiosi went into hiding. 117 suspects
were put on trial in 1968, but most were acquitted or
received light sentences.

Our online gaming is, of course, not meant to be disrespectful
to people who lost their lives due to organized crime, but
it's impossible to deny that there is something attractive to
the 'mafioso' lifestyle.

Why Parrots Hate To Be Touched

Have you ever noticed now matter how nice you are to your parrot, no matter how much yummy food you give him, or how sweet you talk to him, that he still doesn't seem to want you to pick him up or pet him?

Sure you have, we all have...

I can remember back when I used to think that if I just spent some more time with my birds, and talked nicely to them that somehow they'd magically start liking me, realize I wasn't so scary after all, and they'd turn into well behaved parrots for the rest of their lives.

How TRULY stupid I was to EVER think that would work!

Because parrots usually bite for one reason. They are afraid of something. They're either afraid of you, someone in your family, someone entering their territory or a hundred other things.

And when parrots are afraid, the only thing they can do is 'Fight or Flight'. And if you've clipped your parrots wings, he's probably going to think he has better chances of biting something he's afraid of then falling to the floor 'cuz his wings are clipped.

So when you (the scary thing) try to force your parrot to step up, by pushing down on his feet or up on his chest and trying to pry him off his perch, is that building trust with your parrot?

If every time you open your parrots cage he runs and hides in the back corner, is that a trust building experience for the bird?

What about if he lunges and attacks you when you change his food and water? Is that a calm situation that's helping him overcome his fear of you?

Or what if your parrot's out in your living room refusing to let anyone pick him up, and you throw a scary towel over him and toss him back in his cage? Did he snuggle up to the towel and enjoy being snuggled? Or did his little bird brain think a giant rug was going to suffocate him, and throw him back in that boring jail cell?

I don't know about you, but when people make me do things that scare me to death, and inflict pain and fear along every step of the way, I don't really trust them the next time they come around.

Like when I was learning to swim... my dad didn't drag me out into the middle of the river and toss my ass out the back of the boat.

He slowly talked me in from the shoreline one step at a time, telling me how proud he was of me every step of the way -- reinforcing my progress.

But don't miss my point... maybe if my Dad had tossed me out the back of the boat I would have been just fine. Maybe I would have overcome my fear of the water as I realized it wasn't as scary as I thought.

But let me ask you this...

How trusting would I be of my father next time I was at the back of that boat?

You see, parrot training isn't about teaching your parrot a lesson. It's about building trust.

It's about coaxing your parrot to slowly overcome his fears of you, your fingers, your hands, your pet dog, your spouse etc.

And in order to build that trust, you have to stop forcing your parrot to do things like step up when he doesn't want to, or not pet him when he wants to be left alone.

And every time you ignore this rule, your bird distrust for you grows a little bit more, and you'll have to work that much harder to rebuild the relationship.

That's why yesterday I sent you the "Power Pause" video. Because it gives you the very first tool you need to start working with your parrot to not scare him.

It shows how by giving a parrot what it wants you can train it to do ANYTHING! And in the case of the power pause video, my two birds wanted to be left alone more than anything. And when they behaved like I wanted them to, I rewarded them with 5-10 seconds of leaving them alone.

And you saw in the video how in a span of 5-10 minutes this built up enough trust with my parrots so that they would let me touch them... Just because I didn't try to force them to do anything.

I just pushed them a little way into their 'Fear Zone' waited for them to behave, and then rewarded them for it. It's a VERY powerful concept that allows you to get close enough to your parrot so that you can start training him more advanced skills and tolerances.

P.S. If you'd like to get your parrot to stop biting
you faster, you might want to check out some of our
other programs we've created to help you here:

Learn How to Get Him Back

Are you yearning for the good old days and hoping to rekindle a lost romance? Are you interested in giving a tumultuous relationship another chance? Follow these steps detailed below and you can learn how to get him back.

1 - Keep in mind, first and foremost, that patience is a virtue. Do not rush anything, but rather start things off with a simple small whenever you pass your ex, or waving and saying hello every so often. You should maintain eye contact so that he knows you are communicating with him and not with somebody else, but do not let it go much further than this.

2 - Try slowly implementing conversation in again, making an attempt to talk to him when you can. Remember that you should keep your conversation brief, and rather basic in nature. Do not reveal too much, because mystery is actually quite a bit appealing for many men. Also, if you run into him at a party or a social gathering, if your friends come into the room, you may consider stopping the conversation to return to them. This will let him know that while the communication between the two of you is nice, he is not your highest priority right now. Don't be afraid to flirt a little bit here and there as well.

3 - Keep things fresh. Make sure that you look good, and smell good, and that you keep things changed up on a fairly regular basis in order to keep him interested in you. You should put some thought into your appearance because maintaining your good looks will show confidence and respect for yourself and your body which is something that most men find quite sexy and attractive.

4 - Don't be afraid to throw a few honest compliments out there every so often. You are going to want to make sure that your ex feels good any time he is around you if you really want to get your ex back. Talk about the good times that you and he spent together, bringing up good memories from the past. Help him remember some of the best highlights from the days of your relationship and enjoy the reminiscing while simultaneously working to get him back.

Try to become your ex's friend first and foremost, because if he wants you back, he will eventually let you know. Be his friend, open up to him, show him a nice time, and if his feelings for you are rekindled, he will let you know. Take things slowly and don't act too needy. Instead, just play it cool and let him come to you. If things are meant to be, they will be, and you will learn how to get him back through the process.

These are just the beginning steps in winning your Ex back. These are the steps I followed when I lost the love of my life. And frankly these aren't my original ideas. I turned to T 'Dub' Jackson when I had no idea of how to get my true love back back.

T 'Dub' authored a simple, down to earth step by step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up". And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever.
