Thursday, April 30, 2009

Do Fit People Earn More Money?

In a word, yes.

A study published in the British Medical Journal finds the healthier you are, the richer you will become. Researchers examined the link between health and wealth in rich countries, and found that healthier people are more productive at work, earn more, and spend more days in the work force because they don't take as much sick leave.

It may seem obvious, but an investment in health produces big returns for individuals, their families and the economy as a whole.

Exercise and healthy eating improve the blood flow within the most vital organ to your success...your brain.

You, like all of us, most likely want more money and more success, but the very first steps should be incorporating exercise and a regular diet into your schedule.

Here is a quick question for you:

Have you ever been at work and eaten a very unhealthy lunch or snack while sitting at your desk (99% of you are answering yes right now, we all do it).

What follows this snack or meal however, is what we are talking about...

Did you feel lazy, unexcited about work and uninspired? Chances are you did.

Conversely, if you ate a healthy lunch and went for a walk, you would have come back rejuvenated, thinking in a positive way, and thinking clearly.

Here are couple interesting stats:

(1) People that are fit earn more money

(2) People that are fit get better jobs

(3) People that are healthy typically experience less stress

(4) People that are fit have a more positive outlook on life

So, if you want more money, a better job, less stress and a better outlook on life, you should incorporate a "fitness" and "health" routine in your diet.

Strip that Fat, the world famous guide and diet plan generator system will help you incorporate both healthy eating and healthy living into your life.


Fat loss and healthy living is just around the corner. AND, just around that corner is more success!

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