Sunday, April 12, 2009

Autism: Communication and Diet

Communication is not always an easy task given the complexity of the condition and
the common lack of understanding of social cues and interaction.

However, there is one step you can take that may provide some
help to increase communication and understanding...

And with all the "hype" about Jenny McCarthy's book it probably
doesn't surprise you to hear that dietary choices can make a
difference to the life of some with autism and the lives of those
around them.

But why is diet so important?

Certain dietary choices can have really positive effects on autism
behaviors, reducing many symptoms and for a small number of children,
some behaviors may disappear altogether.

You can find out more here:

So while it's not a cure, the potential benefits are very high.

The reason diet can play such an important role is because there's
evidence that 70-80% of people with autism have abnormal levels of
substances similar to opioid peptides in their urine.

These chemical compounds have been named for their similarity to

Opioid peptides can be produced by the body when certain foods are
eaten and digested and can cause disruption to the normal function
of the brain.

Casein is one of the substances in foods that is a concern -

It has been shown to break down in the stomach into casomorphine,
a substance that has opioid properties.

Casein is found in Cows milk and other milk products as well as
being added to non-dairy foods in the form of caseinate.

Gluten, found in wheat and other grains, is another food that during
the digestive process is thought to have potentially negative
effects on a person with Autism.

These potential harmful effects have prompted many families to
introduce gluten and casein free diets for their children with
varying degrees of success.

Some parents' report improved eye contact, less digestion problems
and better behavior, like Jenny's son. However, other parents have
found a change in diet doesn't make any difference at all.

How do you know it will work for your child?

Well to be honest you don't know without trying.

Following a gluten and casein free (GFCF) diet takes dedication and

There are many processed foods that contain both these compounds so
avoiding them is challenging.

Also it can take up to 6 months for the body to totally eliminate
gluten, so patience and perseverance is required.

If this sounds like a treatment you would like to try for your child
and are interested in learning more there is a comprehensive list of
foods to avoid and foods to include in a diet designed for someone
with autism in my downloadable ebook, The Essential Guide To Autism.

You can grab your copy here:

Is there anything else?

Yes, your child can also begin taking a number of medications to
help manage Autism behaviors. Your doctor should be able to
recommend suitable drugs.

However, before you decide to go down the route of medication, be
sure you fully understand the following:

- The medication's purpose
- How you are going to be able to tell if the medication is working
- Possible side effects to the medication
- Possible side effects should the medication be stopped i.e.
- Interactions the medication may have with other drugs, both
prescription and over-the-counter

There are also plenty of natural and alternative treatments you can
use and we'll cover these in a later newsletter.

Autism is a complex condition, and treatment options are unique to
the individual.

Thanks for reading, and I will be back with the alternative
treatment therapies for Autism real soon.

What Should I Do to Get My Ex Back

When you break up with someone you love, you go through lots of painful emotions. You feel sad, depressed and hurt, and you miss them. “What should I do to get my ex back?” becomes a question you constantly ask yourself.

There are many websites, books, blogs, forums and even courses designed to answer the question, what should I do to get my ex back? But common sense can really make a difference after a breakup. And common courtesy can go long way toward healing your relationship.

If you’re preoccupied with your lost relationship, wondering “what should I do to get my ex back?” then follow this simple advice. You’ll give yourself the best chance of getting back together with that special someone.

Don’t play games. This is very important, but unfortunately many people resort to this during breakups because it gives them a sense of power. If you can make the other person think that you don’t care, or you care more than you really do, you’re manipulating them and that can feel great. But it won’t feel great for long.

Eventually you’ll realize that lying and tricking the other person isn’t a good feeling. And anything good that happens because of it will always be sullied a little because of the lie.

Some people play games where they pretend to be dating someone else, or they pretend to be in love with someone else. This is a ploy to make the ex jealous. While it does work now and then, other times it makes the breakup permanent because it backfires.

Your ex could be so jealous at the thought of you being with someone else that they want you back. Or they could decide that since you moved on so quickly, you don’t really care about them anyway. You have no way of knowing which way this ploy will work until it’s too late.

Don’t be mean. This holds true in any situation or any relationship, but sometimes the anger around a breakup makes us act more viciously than we normally might. Even if you’re hurt, the fact that you want to know, ‘What should I do to get my ex back?” shows that you’re ready to forgive that person. If you couldn’t, you wouldn’t want your ex back, you’d be glad it was over.

Now, think about how you’ve been acting. If you were your ex, would you look forward to spending time with you or talking to you? Or would you dread each time? Do you shout and nag? Even if you feel like raising all kinds of arguments, simply don’t. Work very hard at controlling your anger and hurt, and being a person they can miss.

“What should I do to get my ex back?” Be on your best behavior and make your ex remember what drew them to you in the first place. They’ll remember your good points and will miss them. Then you’ll have a better chance of being able to get back together with your ex.

These are just the beginning steps in winning your Ex back. They are the initial steps I followed when I lost the love of my life. And frankly these aren't my original ideas. I turned to T 'Dub' Jackson when I had no idea of how to get my true love back.

T 'Dub' authored a simple, down to earth step by step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up". And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever.

For more secrets on how to get your ex back visit