Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Get Him Back – A Gals Guide to Making Up

How do you get him back? How do you convince him that what the two of you had together was special? This is your “get guy back” gal’s guide to making up.

First of all, you have to recognize that whatever happened, you were both at fault. If you cheated, he wasn’t giving you what you needed so you looked elsewhere. If he cheated, you were the one not giving what he needed. Yes, the cheater is morally culpable for the cheating. The moral responsibility does not lie with the person who was cheated upon. But the fault lies in both party’s laps.

Given that, it is important to forgive and forget. True forgiveness means that you let go of all of the anger related to the incident. You never bring it up again. You never let it cloud your relationship. If you cannot do this, you won’t get him back for any period of time.

If you were the person at fault, apologize – and mean it. Too many times, after people say “I’m sorry,” there’s an “Oops I did it again,” moment. You’re not Britney Spears. It’s not cute. When you say you are sorry, you have to commit to changing. Otherwise, you don’t mean it and you won’t get that guy back.

Be prepared to chase him a little bit. This doesn’t mean sending him hundreds of text messages or stalking him, but you have got to show him that you are still interested if you want to get that guy back. You can’t expect him to come running back just because you have sent out some modest signals that you are ready to re-start the relationship. Put your ego in check and put your heart on the line.

You may have to settle for something less than you wanted. It may be that he is only ready to be friends when you want a full fledged boyfriend. It may take time to rebuild the trust. If this is the case, you need to give him the space he needs to get to know you again. Accept that you have to take what he is offering right now if you want to eventually get your ex back.

Finally, you have to know when to give up on the get him back strategy. Sometimes, you just have to move on. If your boyfriend is unable to forgive you, you are in a position where the best thing you can do is move on and enter into new relationships. While this will break your heart right now, it may be the best thing that could have happened to you. Whatever went wrong in this relationship, your soul mate is still out there. Getting this guy back may stop you from meeting him!

For more great relationship tips visit this site:

As Heat Wave Sears U.S., New Remedy Keeps Those With Sweating Problems Dry and Comfortable

For the more than 8 million Americans who suffer from Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, the current heat wave that is setting record temperatures across the country is a nightmare come true.

Fortunately, for the many Hyperhidrosis sufferers who experience excessive underarm sweat there is now a cure available that won’t just put an end to their embarrassing condition, it will keep it from ever returning again.

The cure was discovered by Mike Ramsey, who began suffering from Hyperhidrosis in high school. Before coming up with his cure, Ramsey tried every possible remedy he could find with no success.

“I tried more than a dozen types of antiperspirants,” Ramsey said. “I tried applying antiperspirants several times a day. I wore undershirts to soak up the sweat before it reached my outer shirt. When one undershirt wasn’t enough, I tried wearing two undershirts. When I was in my car (alone) I would hold up my arms, aligning them with the air conditioner vents, allowing cold air to flow up my sleeve to cool and dry my armpits. When sitting at my desk I tried to keep my arms away from my sides so that my shirt had less contact with my underarms and wouldn’t soak in the sweat so quickly. I took showers morning and night. Sometimes I would come home during lunch to shower as well.

“I wore oversized shirts for better ventilation and to keep my underarms from contacting my shirt. (This didn’t work because the sweat would just drip down to my sides and create wet marks near my waistline),” Ramsey continued. “I brought clean undershirts to work and changed several times daily. I purchased a device that pushes electric currents through your skin and supposedly stops underarm sweat for a period. I never found out whether it worked or not because it was incredibly uncomfortable to use, and I knew this was not the solution to my problem."

Ramsey was about to give up hope of ever being rid of his embarrassing condition when he and his wife attended a fateful seminar on natural health.

“The seminar actually didn’t have anything to do with excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis,” Ramsey said. “But what the speaker said got me to thinking and soon led to my discovery.”

Ramsey’s discovery was practical and unique treatment approach that permanently gets rid of a person’s excessive underarm sweat problem – naturally and without side effects.

Ramsey’s process, which he details in his new ebook, “Stop Sweating and Start Living: A Practical Guide to Ending Your Underarm Sweat Problem,” is made up of three simple steps, takes about 30 seconds a day to complete and relies on readily available and inexpensive products. According to Ramsey’s latest statistics, the method has proven effective for 96 percent of those who have tried it.

Ramsey adds that the process is easy for a person to incorporate into their morning or evening routine, and he personally guarantees that it will keep a person’s underarm sweat problem away for the rest of their life.

So while Californians are sweltering in a heat wave that has set records across the state … while power outages in St Louis and New York City have residents scrambling to find relief from high temperatures … and while usual havens from the heat, such as San Francisco, see record hot temperatures … there remains hope for hyperhidrosis sufferers everywhere.

“At last, there’s an effective way for anyone to cure their underarm sweat problem - in just two weeks - without prescription drugs or risky surgery,” Ramsey said.

To learn more about "Stop Sweating and Start Living,” please visit, where the ebook is also available for purchase.

Protect Your Kids On MySpace

I have something for all the parents visiting today who are concerned what their children my be getting into online, especially the content they might be reading or posting on MySpace.

Recents News stories have surfaced that MySpace is a haven for child predators and you need to be monitoring what your kids are doing there. I have a free report you can download on how to protect your children from the evils of MySpace.

This report is a detailed handbook for Myspace parents that will show why and how you need to protect your kids from not just Myspace but all social networking sites.

Please pass this on to every parent you know. It's important that we all make steps to protect our kids from predators.

To download your free report simply right click here: MYSpace Report and save to your desktop. Then email this report to all parents in your address book.