Thursday, May 7, 2009

Examples Of How Going Green Saves You Money

There are many examples of how going green saves you money. Kermit the Frog was wrong - it IS easy being green, and it saves you money at the same time. As the planet faces a period of warming where our actions are believed to be the prime cause, it makes sense to seek out examples of how going green saves you money and act on them.

That cell phone charger that stays plugged in, the DVD player that waits for the occasional playing, and the TV that sits on standby all night, these are prime examples of how going green saves you money - if you unplug them, that is. For even if the items are not working, they are consuming energy!

Another of the prime examples of how going green saves you money is switching from bottled water to filtered tap water. The average family spends some $1,400 a year on bottled water. And the worst part is that 95% of the plastic bottles are not recycled! For less than $100 you could get a high quality staged water filter to make your tap water perfect.

Examples of how going green saves you money are everywhere. Do you drive as fast as the law allows? You shouldn't. Car engines perform most efficiently at around 55 miles an hour. If you combine that with gentle driving on properly inflated tires, you will save money and help the planet too.

You could always use a bicycle to travel around town. Or you could simply walk for those short trips. You won't be pouring hydrocarbons into the atmosphere, warming the planet, you will save money, and you will get some good exercise at the same time. Walking and cycling when you can are excellent examples of how going green saves you money.

Some 65 million newspapers are printed every day in the US. Some 70% of them will not be recycled. What a waste of trees! You can do your bit to help, and read whatever news you want to read at the same time simply by going online. Very few newspapers don't have an online presence these days, so save some money and read from the web pages.

Do you want more example of how going green saves you money? They are all around you. Just look and you certainly will find them.

For More Information on how you can save money and go green visit this site:

Divorced Dads -Protect Yourself From Restraining Orders

Dear Divorcing Fathers and Husbands,

Are you getting divorced or even thinking about it? Believe it or not, you WILL probably get hit with a restraining order. If you are hit with a restraining order, you could lose your freedom, access to your children and your money without even knowing that it was happening.

Read the story of a former marine was served with a restraining order:

"Based upon a single FALSE ACCUSATION, I was slapped with a fraudulent restraining order where I was subjected to potential criminal prosecution for close to two years until I could prove my innocence. I was under the constant threat of jail if I violated the order in any way. That's right, if you violate a Restraining Order you GO TO JAIL!

After I went through the first hearing, my children were placed on the order without any reason given. That meant that I would not be allowed to visit with them until the date of my next hearing four months later. That tore my insides apart as I was extremely close to my children. Even during the separation, I spoke with my children on the phone every night. I saw them almost every weekend. I fought as hard as I could to object the restraining order. That’s’ why the Judge showed me what she thought was mercy by allowing me to call my ex’s cell phone between 6-8 pm each night.

But my ex never answered her cell phone.

My lawyer wrote my ex’s lawyer a letter complaining about the lack of contact and he responded that even though the order said I could call, it did not say she had to answer. I was shocked that a lawyer could be so petty and callous. He knew that my children wanted to speak with me but it was just a game to him.

I went through complete and total embarrassment when I was first served with my fraudulent restraining order as I had two cops come to my door unannounced. They treated me like a piece of dirt as they entered my home and rifled through my belongings looking for weapons without any concern that they were violating my constitutional rights. I felt angry and violated.

My son did not speak to me for 11 months because his mother told him I did not want to see him or buy him anything for Christmas. The first Christmas after my order was issued, my oldest son was asking for a fishing pole for a present. When I asked my lawyer how I should send gifts to my kids, he told me I could not. I was crushed that I could not send them any gifts.

But, I simply could not.

First, it was a violation of the no contact provision that’s included in all restraining orders.

Second, if I sent a present to my children, my ex could say there was a threatening message to her included in the package. And, when I tried to explain to my son that I was not allowed to send a gift, my son did not believe me. My ex actually told him that I just did not want to send him a present. I was angry and hurt. I could not believe that my son thought I was lying.

I got frustrated being the only one playing by the rules. I wanted to pull all of my hair out when my ex told all of my children that I did not want to see them. Even though it took me four (4) court hearings to re-establish visitation with them, my ex was telling them that I just did not have time for them. To this day, despite everything I have done to get them back in my life, I am sure they still believe her lies to a certain extent.

I couldn’t even be at my son’s side during his time of need. One Sunday morning, I receive a phone call that my son was being hospitalized and that he wanted me to come see him. My son was so adamant in the hospital that he wanted to speak with me, I am sure that’s the only reason why I was informed. I bet my ex didn’t want a mandatory reporter to document that he wasn’t permitted to speak with me. In any event, when he told me he was ill I immediately dropped everything and made the 4-hour trip from NJ to Massachusetts.

On my way to the hospital, my former father in-law called me and told me that I was not allowed to come to the hospital. He said that since my ex-wife was there that it would be a violation of the order. I was incensed. I could not believe that my son needed me to be by his side in the hospital and my ex father in-law was telling me I could not be there. In an irrational moment, I told my ex-father in law that not only was I coming but that he had better have enough law enforcement there if he wanted to try to stop me from seeing my son.

When I got to the emergency room, there were three police officers waiting there for me. They told me that my ex had left the building for 20 minutes and that if I was still there when she got back they would arrest me.

They looked like they would have enjoyed it.

The court prevented me from seeing my children for almost a year. My children were moved to another state against my wishes and I was forced to move away from all of my friends and family to pursue my case for custody. When I finally won the right to see my children, it could only happen under the watchful eye of a visitation supervisor in a sterile government facility for two hours every two weeks.

Don't Let This Happen To You!

This dad has written a system explainingg in detail how to avoid this same scenario from happening to you.

Here Is What You Will Find in Restraining Order 911:

  • 8 reasons why sitting back & letting your lawyer handle your divorce case is the BIGGEST MISTAKE you can make -- Lawyers and social workers make this process out to be black magic whereby you need their expert guidance to get through it. This is simply not true. Everything you need to know to beat any false restraining order can be found in this simple, easy-to-understand eBook.

  • How to stay in charge of your divorce case by limiting the roles of lawyers, mediators, and other professionals.

  • Information culled from my own real-life experiences that will walk you through the emotional, legal, and economic realities of a difficult divorce.

  • The consequences of temporary restraining orders.

  • The most important way to protect yourself and your children against a false restraining order! Many defendants lose their case before they even begin because they fail to abide by this rule.

  • Ten things you need to do immediately to stay out of jail.

  • Insider secrets that most people do not know. They are not even found in legal books that are held in a law library. These tips have been developed by an experienced attorney who has fought these orders for many years in court and knows exactly what to do to give you a fighting chance.

  • The #1 violation that will send you to jail and jeopardize your case. Violation of a restraining order is a criminal matter, punishable by a fine and a jail term. Even though restraining orders are civil matters which involves conflicts between two people, violations of them are criminal matters, meaning the state will prosecute a violator.

  • How you can be lulled into a false sense of security and find yourself handcuffed in the back of a police car the moment your ex-wife gets mad at you again.

  • 3 Traps many women set to ruin your life out of revenge.

  • How to represent yourself and be prepared using vital information on the laws, statutes, and methods of research available to everyone—not just attorneys!

  • The most important key legal definitions you need in order to knock the restraining order out of the box before it is even issued.

  • 4 sources to obtain information about the laws that pertain to restraining orders in your particular state.

  • What is the most important part of any law pertained to your case. In many cases, the complaining party is charging something that may not be against the law, or fit the legal definition of fear as defined by the law.

  • Where you should look to see if your particular statute has changed.

  • The easiest way to find out what changes have been made by courts.

  • How to be prepared when your lawyer or the Judge asks a question. You will have the answer right in front of you!

  • How to get the documented proof you need to leave your soon-to-be or ex-spouse unprepared.

    And, that’s just chapters 1 and 2!

    Act Now Before You get Caught In Restraining Order Hell:
  • How Can You Tell If You Are In A Toxic Relationship

    How can you tell if you are in a toxic relationship? Here are some clues:

    · Your partner puts you down (verbally) in front of others
    · While your partner says they love you, their actions don’t back it up.
    · Your partner is controlling – reading your mail or “showing up” at places you are just to “check up” on you.
    · Your partner tries to make you dependent on them.
    · You have changed things about yourself to please them.

    Toxic people make you feel ill just being around them. So, why would anyone end up in a toxic relationship? Why would anyone want to be with someone who makes them feel emotionally or physically harmed?

    A toxic relationship has a cycle. There’s a honeymoon period, followed by a blow up, followed by a reconciliation – at which point the cycle begins anew.

    When you first meet a new partner, you are obviously in the honeymoon stage. It is not until they’ve sucked you in further that you realize that you are in a toxic relationship. At that point, it is difficult to get out.

    One reason is that many people in toxic relationships grow up in toxic homes. As a result, they replicate the patterns of their childhood without even knowing they’re doing it. And, they may not know any better. Others believe they do not deserve happiness. Still others find that they enjoy taking care of people.

    But the first step in getting out and staying out of toxic relationships is to realize that you do have choices. Often people who stay in these couples have low self esteem or suffer from depression.

    Once you realize that you have choices, the next step is to start standing up for yourself. In most toxic relationships, the toxic partner has taught you that it is all your fault. Once you buy into this, it can be very difficult to either walk away from the relationship or set new limits that can heal the relationship.

    For some people, working in therapy groups can help them either get out of or redefine these horrible relationships.

    The good news is that some people are able to break the cycles of toxic relationships. Some of them leave the relationship and form new, healthier bonds.

    But others are actually able to repair their relationship and stay in it.

    The truth is that most relationships are able to be salvaged. Sometimes it takes a little space. Other times, it takes counseling. But if both partners make an attempt, it is possible to renew the bonds in a healthy way.

    The first thing you need to decide is that the relationship must improve or you’re willing to walk away. If you aren’t willing to walk away, you’ll never be able to heal that which divides you.

    Once you have liberated yourself from the dependency that is at the core of a toxic relationship, you can start to assert what you need from the connection. Don’t nag the other person. Simply say “I need your support,” “I need your love,” or “I need your truthful opinion.”

    If you don’t get what you need, the other person should know that you’re prepared to walk.

    A healthy relationship is a two way street. In a toxic relationship, the street is only going one way. You have the power to change that, but you must take the power into your own hands.

    For more great realtionship tips check out the Magic Of Making Up System: