Sunday, April 26, 2009

Best Seller Books On Relationships May Make A Fool Of You

If your ex has just broken up with you, you may be in the marketplace for books on relationships. But how do you choose the best books on relationships among the many offerings out there?

In this blog, I will show you how to choose the best books on relationships. And the answer will surprise you. Read on…

First, don’t be fooled by fancy letters after a author’s name. There are many people who find school to be a convenient escape from real life. Instead of engaging with people, they spend their time in the classroom and library. As a result, they end up with a lot of letters after their names when they hit age 35. They use their degrees to indicate that they have “expert knowledge” of a situation. But does their expertise work in the real world?

Instead, you should look for books on relationships by authors who have been in the trenches. They’ve either put a bad relationship back together themselves or they have helped countless buddies do the same. These aren’t therapy patients that come in for the “fifty minute hour” either. These relationships are those of people the author cares deeply about.

Next, you want to find books that don’t boil down to “put the relationship aside for 30 days and work on yourself during that period.” This is all most “save your relationship” or “get your ex back” reports say. Many of the ebooks on the market turn that concept into 50 page documents. These are just pieces of fluff and don’t deserve your attention – or your money.

Instead, you should look for a book that will give you new information; information that you’re friends can’t give you.

For instance, will the book tell you what women crave the most? Will it give you a step by step guide for how to give it to her? Will the book show you how to recover from an affair? Will it give you specific techniques to get relief from your pain?

Finally, look at who is recommending the book. Do the testimonials seem a little generic? Were they written by the author’s brother and second cousin?

You want to find books on relationships that come recommended by a wide variety of people, in various situations, from all walks of life. If it looks like both a guy from England and a newly engaged woman from Kansas have used the book, chances are it will work for you.

There are many books on relationships on the market. Unfortunately, most of them are drivel because they weren’t written by someone in the trenches. As a result, they have generic advice that could be best summed up in a paragraph or two. Then, what recommendations the book can get are generic in nature, because the book really has nothing going for it.

Finding the best books on relationships can take a little work. But, everything about relationships are work. Shouldn’t you invest the time and money in the very best book out them?

Get your copy today:

Drive Smart, Save Green - 5 Great Tips

Drive smart, save green. It's a great phrase, and if more people took up the challenge, the whole country - no, the whole world - would benefit immensely. How can you make a difference to the environment with your driving? This article provides you with 7 great tips that you can put into action right away. You'll save money and help the environment too. OK, time to drive smart, save green...

1. It has to be said: the very best thing you can do to help the environment with your car is stop driving it! However, you may not have that option, so drive slower instead. Most cars perform best at speeds of between 50 mph to 60 mph. Not too slow and not too fast is how to drive smart, save green.

2. A staggering 20% of your car's fuel consumption is used up just overcoming tire roll resistance! How can you drive smart, save green in these circumstances? Buy quality tires that get great reviews. They may cost a little more, but they will perform better. And remember too that under inflated tires will cost you more in gas bills!

3. Lighten the load in your car. I'll bet there are things in your car's trunk that don't need to be there. Go through each item you regularly carry. If you don't really need it, dump it. You can drive smart, save green with a lighter load. That will let your car be more fuel efficient.

4. Switch off your engine while you wait if you are likely to be waiting more than one minute. Restarting your engine burns roughly about the same amount as one minute of idle time, so if you think you will be idling for more than a minute, cut the engine. You'll save gas and money - drive smart, save green.

5. Drive smoothly. This one shouldn't need to be mentioned. It should be the unspoken part of drive smart, drive green. Erratic driving with sudden accelerating and hard braking uses up extra gas. It puts extra wear and tear on your car, which means extra costs to you and the environment.

Learning to drive smart, save green is largely common sense. If you really need your car, then learn to drive it responsibly and sensibly. However, if you can walk easily to where you need to go, then do so! Only drive smart, save green when you can't walk.

For More Information on how you can save money and go green visit this site:

How To Make Money Trading Futures

Yet another guy has popped up claiming to explain in detail how to make money trading futures. I don't know about you; but I haven't the slightest clue how trading futures even works, it's all I can do to wrap my head around the basics of the stock market.

He uses something called trading bands and claims his trading bands lessons will tell you when to sell and when to buy.

If you're interested in trading futures you might want to check this guy out. You can sign up for his free money newsletter first just to see if he know what he's talking about.

Protect Your Child From Sex Offenders

Does a sex offender live on your block? Are you sure?

As parents we can never be to careful. And we never really know if we're doing enough. What would be worth to you to understand how sex offenders' minds work and what you, as a parent, can do to protect your children?

I have a found an outstanding ebook that sells for a mere $7.00 that explains in detail everything you need to know to easily protect your child from a sex offender.

This eBook dispels the myths about sex offenders that blinds parents from seeing what is right in front of them -- most sex offences happen in the home and are perpetrated by people that you already know. Discover what you can do to track down offenders in your area through online databases and more ... while at the same time allowing your children the freedom to learn from the Internet but not be a victim of online predators.

Now, I know you're probably skeptical. That's normal and healthy. Let me give you three good reasons why I make that claim:

Three Reasons To You Need To Buy This Book

Reason one: The publisher of this book has helped build the first background check company in the US (in business since 1980) which gives her great insight into the kind of information that is available regarding sex offenders as well as the information that is collected on offenders by our government and where you can find it FREE!

Reason two: Hundreds of interviews were conducted by a licensed investigator with over 20 years in law enforcement who works daily with sex offenders and the information obtained about the nature of these individuals, how they think and operate, is included in this eBook.

Reason three:

Here is a summary of the benefits you receive

-What are the facts vs. fiction about sex offenders ... busting the myths and the reality of this kind of crime

- Find out how to identify the behavior and actions of someone who you suspect might potentially be a sex offender

Discover how sex offenders prey on your children on the Internet every day

- Learn the most important things all parents can do to keep your kid safe online including social sites like MySpace

How to recognize the warning signs of someone who might offend or re-offend as well as teach your child the warning signs

- Learn how parents can put systems in place so that if anyone in your immediate family acts inappropriately, your child knows how to respond and communicate this information to you

Information you cannot afford to miss ... why predators can turn violent at any time

- Why awareness and communications are your best tools when what you are dealing with is a sexual psychotic

Do predators cross racial lines? Or do they look just like me?

- Find out why you need to watch people who look like you and have access to your kids

Learn how to inform your children and teenagers about inappropriate sexual behavior from kids their own age

- Teach your kids how to use the right words and how that can mean the difference between being manipulated by a predator and saving themselves

Learn how talking about their bodies to children in an appropriate way is the kind of knowledge that can save them from sexual assault

- You will discover and learn how to teach your children communication skills about things they may have felt uncomfortable talking about before

See why it is critical that parents learn how to listen to their children and what they are telling you about other people

- How to develop a deeper connection with your child that could save their life as you learn the art of listening

Teach your children that they have the right to say NO any time to any one

- Discover how you and your children will learn how to empower yourselves in the face of fear caused by sexual predators

Learn how to screen babysitters and caregivers, as well as your neighbors and friends for past sexual offenses

- See why it's important to stop being naive and learn to protect yourself and your kids from harm by doing free online background checks

Find the most critical places on the Internet to search for convicted sexual predators across the United States including Megan's Law

- Find out what data you can trust in online sex offender database

Find out just how incest offenders manipulate their victims

- What every parent should look for in the people that surround their every day lives

What is normal sexual behavior during pre-adolescence

- This information comes from a policeman's point of view and reassures you about what behavior is considered normal and what is not

If you don't know already, we'll cover some of the effects sexual abuse can have on child victims

- Get critical data on signs your child might be showing that abuse has already occurred or is happening now

What exactly are the registrable offenses that are considered sexual abuse?

- What some people think as normal because it's what they were exposed to in childhood, just may not be appropriate behavior

What is the profile of a female sex offender and what parents should look out for in this type of woman

- Why it's rare for a female to abuse but what you need to know to not get fooled by one

What are the most critical online places to search sex offender databases

- What data you can trust in these databases and what you can't as well as a list of where to search for them

What is Megan's Law and how does it affect sex offender laws now?

- How to effectively search Megan's law and what you still need to know anyway

What kind of filtering software every parent can by to limit access to their children on the Internet

- A list of where to buy this kind of software

The horrifying statistics of child sexual victims and what they mean to every parent

- How you can stop your child from being one of these statistics

Discover what are some of the signs that your child is currently being sexually abused or groomed for it?

- This is critical data that can save your child's life

How a parent can distinguish between normal adolescent sexual behavior and what is not normal

- What a parent should do if they suspect an offender is in their midst

What are the signs of a past offender who has a high chance of reoffending?

- Find out the behaviors that every parent should be watching for

How to recognize the signs of an incest offender

- What a parent must do if they suspect incest

-What are the different types of sexual abuse

You can get a copy here:

How To Beat a Speeding Ticket

How much would beating a speeding ticket be worth to you. I recently came cross an e-book written by a former police officer that tells you step by step how to get out of paying a speeding ticket.

When you consider that one speeding ticket can cost over $120 in fines and court costs,and it will usually raise you insurance premiums, knowing how to get out of paying a speeding ticket would be worth that much to you every time you're pulled over.

This ex cop tells it all.

“This is the information that the cops, courts and
prosecutors don’t want you to know about because
it “turns the tables” on them and shows you exactly
how to beat them at their own sneaky little games…”

"Speeding Ticket Fixer" promises that you can get out of a speeding ticket

  • Without paying for a lawyer…

  • Even if you know you were speeding…

  • Even if you’ve never beat a speeding ticket before…

  • Even if you don’t know anything about the legal system…

    Here are just few of the secrets reveled.

  • A single page document (that I will give you) that when you show it to the court, you’ll practically have the prosecutor tripping over himself to dismiss your case

  • Specific, proven defenses for virtually every type of speeding ticket—everything is covered!

  • How to get all the documents you need prior to court so that you know exactly what the cop and prosecution are up to

  • Learn what to say when the officer fails to show for court (25-40% of the time) and how to make sure the judge dismisses your case instead of continuing it

  • Dozens of questions to ask the officer on the stand that will quickly render him an incompetent witness, giving the prosecution and the judge no other alternative but to dismiss your case on the spot

  • How to have your laser speeding ticket dismissed on the spot by simply asking for this one thing (that the prosecution will not be able to produce)

  • Dozens of ways to get your ticket dismissed without testifying or cross examining the officer

  • Discover “insider” dismissal strategies that even some of the country’s top attorneys don’t know about, but that savvy attorneys are using all the time to get cases dismissed without argument

  • How to use your ticket against the officer who wrote it

  • Learn the truth about photo radar and how to deal with them WITHOUT ever going to court or talking to anyone

  • Sneaky ways to make your case so expensive for the prosecution to continue that he’ll drop your case like a hot rock

  • Learn the mistakes that most people make when representing themselves and how to avoid them

  • The easy way to have laser speeding tickets dismissed on the spot—this works nearly 95% of the time

  • Clever ways to turn your case into a “big deal” that the prosecution will have no alternative but to dismiss it

  • *Discover the two top studies that prove the radar is riddled with errors and how to use this information to get your case dismissed

  • And much, much more!

    Ex traffic cop Dean Grazier guarantees that this info will work. You Can Check it out here:
