Thursday, April 16, 2009

Correct Your Vision Without Glasses

How would you like to restore your vision without surgery? Get rid of you glasses forever. Improve your eyesight permanently?

Consider these facts:
-It has been proven that all lenses and glasses actually weaken your eyesight, by indoctrinating you to utilize your eyes in an “unnatural” manner, thus causes various types of visual defects!

- If you were banking on the so-called “corrective eye surgery” that is being marketed vehemently, there’s plenty of bad news in store for you, corrective eye surgery only treats the symptoms, while being very risky and expensive to perform and can also cause your eyes to malfunction later!

-99.9% of the so called "optical professionals" know little to nothing about the natural methods of improving eyesight and even those who do, will try their best to not let you get the wind of it, as it goes against their "best interests".

-You can not blame it on genetics. It has been proven that almost all newborn babies have normal eyesight!

-Native people such as the tribes living in the dense Amazon jungles have retained the ability to see what most people living in developed societies would need microscopes to visualize!

Vision Without Glasses claims to show you how to do all the following:

*How you can improve your eyesight by completely relaxing your eyes – Just carry out the relaxing and soothing eye exercises specially designed for you for just a couple minutes a day for your eyesight to drastically improve.

*Provide you with a multiple choice of exercises that achieve the same results - thus allow you can choose which of the exercises you want to do. After all, exercising should be fun!

*The vast difference between strain and stress will be revealed e – Understanding this important aspect will not only improve your eyesight by also your overall health, happiness and well-being.

*How you can exactly ascertain for yourself whether your eyes are relaxed or not – You’ll discover how you can easily teach yourself to find out when your eyes are tense.

*The real cause of mental strain – Mental strain is one the most important factor affect your eyesight.It will teach you how you find out its causes and how it should be tackled.

*How to fully relax your mind and body – It will inform you about the significance of the mind + body connection and how you can utilize this to improve your eyesight apart from revitalizing your health fully.

* The best ways to protect your eyes – Since 80% of your sensory information comes through your eyes, you should know what harms your eyes and how you can protect your eyes even in conditions that are adverse to human sight.

*11 of the most frequent types of visual defects and how to reverse their effects are explained in detailed. Find out what ails your eyes - far-sightedness, near-sightedness, dyslexia, lazy eye, cross eye, glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataract, retina disorders, and astigmatism – and learn to correct it.

*You won’t have to spend your hard earned money buying new glasses and contact lenses.

*You won’t have to suffer the frustration of cleaning your glasses or contact lenses any longer.

*You won’t have to undergo risky and expensive lasik surgery – thus avoiding its long harm.

*You’ll learn how to be able to sharpen your mental focus as well as your visual focus.

*You’ll finally be able to feeling the joy of not having to experience headaches and tired caused by eyestrains.

*You’ll begin to experience the true advantages of improved health by taking a few minutes everyday to fully relax and reconnect with your mind and body by doing by eye exercises.

Does it work? You can find out at no risk to you as the program offers a 60 day full money back guarantee. Check it out:

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