Friday, April 17, 2009

Fat is OK, Really

Hope you are having a good and healthy day!

Today, we need to talk shop with you. We really need to get this off our most people are wrong in their way of thinking. They think that all fat is bad!

Though a lot of the fat out there is really bad for you, there are also some good types of fat. Fat that it is OK for you to eat!

Think about it. Everyone has fat on them, however there is a certain amount of safe fat, and then there is excess fat. We need a certain percentage of fat to be healthy. One thing that you should know though, is that over 100 million Americans alone have "too much" fat. This is because they are eating the naughty fats, not the good ones.

We are going to get a little technical on you here, so hold tight...

"Fat droplets inside most of our body's cells regulate excess proteins in our bodies. Even if too much fat has negative effects on our body and health, it seems that a certain amount of fat is necessary for preserving the function of cells."

"Fat droplets are microscopical fat spots present in almost all the cells in the body, and they play the role of warehouses or storage depots for a certain type of protein used by molecules to bind DNA. Besides storing the particular histone proteins needed by cells to bind and organize DNA in the nucleus, the fat droplets also serve as deposits for other proteins found in excessive amounts within our bodies. If these proteins were not gathered and stored somewhere in the body, they would become harmful for our health."

So, it is good to have fat. We need it to function! But what are the good fats and what are the bad fats?

***Good Fats = Polyunsaturated/Monounsaturated Fats

Ex. fish oil, sunflower oil, Omega 3, nuts, olive oil, avocado

***Bad Fats = Saturated/Trans Fats

Ex. Coconut oil, palm oil, meat, cheese, eggs, margarine, French fries, Cheetos

These are the basics of it. Having some fat in your diet is good, and ideally you want to make those fats good fats. Eating a bag of chips is NOT a good way to get your fat. Not only are you putting the wrong type of fat in your body, they are very bad for you!

We do have some good news for you.

Any fat that you have can be much or as little as you like.

Fat does weigh less than muscle, but the bad thing about fat is that it doesn't help burn calories, whereas muscle does. Therefore, you are better off weighing more by having more muscles, not fat, as your metabolism will burn much more calories in the long run if you have a higher muscle mass.

So, having the right type of fat in your diet is OK, but having over a certain amount of fat on your body can be unhealthy. Fat is stored when you burn less calories than you take in, so the goal is to burn more calories than you eat everyday.

That is all for today, your Fat 101!

Take care,

STF Diet Team

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