Thursday, May 28, 2009

Double Your Brain Power!

Double Your Brain Power! - By Lynnee Davidson

Have I got some info for you today! Hear we go!

Consolidation is the term Scientists use to describe the movement of information from your short term, to long term memory.

So, how does consolidation occur?

Two major brain chemicals involved are called Kinases and Phosphatases. These chemicals belong to a special group called Enzymes. The action of enzymes is to make chemicals react with other chemicals, producing new substances, but the enzymes themselves are unaffected by the reaction. So, Kinases and Phosphateses in your brain cause other brain chemicals to react, but are left untouched by the reactions which they make happen.

When Kinase enzymes in your brain are involved in chemical reactions, the consolidation process is boosted. But when Phosphatase enzymes in your brain become involved, consolidation is inhibited.

So, how does this relate to boosting your brain power?

If you try to learn new information in one mass study session, the Phosphatase enzymes dominate and inhibit consolidation - but if you spread your learning in big gaps, the Phosphatase Enzymes do not build up very much and the Kinase enzymes become dominant. So the consolidation process is much more efficient.

So, the secret is this........

If you want to memorize something, review it before falling asleep because most memory consolidation happens during sleep.

Current research supports the idea that new information learnt last thing at night before sleeping, is retained much better than new information learnt first thing in the morning. Learning new information on top of new information encourages the build up of Phosphatase enzyme activity and therefore hinders consolidation.

I've revealed to you some of the ways in which you can Double Your Brain
Power - and if you apply my techniques, you really can do it in 2 weeks or less!

Remember you can preview the first chapter with my compliments - and then download the rest of the book to continue reading.

And of course, I'll keep you up to date with the latest information on keeping your brain fit and healthy.

To your success!

Lynnee Davidson.

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