Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Make Money with Pay Per Click

Notice those "Ads By Google" you see on just about every site including this one. Ever wonder how that works? Basically you agree as an advertiser to pay Google every time someone clicks on your ad.( And Google also pays a small fee to the person who owns the site the ad appears on) Generally it takes you to a website, sometimes it takes you to a webite that is owned by someone other than the person who paid for the ad. That person is known as an affiliate and gets paid a commission if the person who clicked on the ad buys the product.

Most of the money being made online by people working from home is through these affiliate programs, and on the other hand, I guess most of the money being lost by people trying to make money from home is from people paying for these ads and not making any sales. So there's a lot of talk on the net that you can't make any money with pay per click ads. This simply isn't true.

Here's my situation. I own 5 full fledged websites and now I've recently started a bunch of blogs as well. All my sites run Google Ads and make me some money. But the truth is that I make on a daily basis 50 times more money on the pay per click ads I buy for affiliate programs than from the ads on my own sites. So I can tell you from experience that PPC ads do work. I run them a little differently than most experts do and I'm honestly not ready to reveal my secrets quite yet because I think they're unique; but if I did, you could run the exact same ads I do, make the same money and not cut into my profit margin a bit. and the reason you wouldn't hurt my sales is because the web is just so big I can't cover the entire market

Now it just so happens I came across a couple of guys who are doing just that. Sharing with you the exact ads to run, where to run them and how to do it. I normally don;t promote any type of internet marketing product because, quite frankly, most of them take your money and don't really tell you the real secrets of what works because the authors don't want any competition. You also will notice none of these products offer any money back guarantees.

Well this product is different. There is a 60 day money back guarantee and it's handled by a 3rd party, Clickbank, the same company I make all my money thru and I can tell you from experience that those guarantees are real.

---> <----

The guys behind this are showing their EXACT recipe (entire bird's eye view) of what to copy and bring in $350/day streams over and over. It just does not get any easier than this. You literally COPY what they show and see if the operation makes profit ... and it will.

You have to actually TRY to mess this one up!

They understand your struggle (they went through this themselves) ... copying is easier and faster than learning and here, it works a hell of a lot better!

To tell you the truth, for creating automated revenue, I wish I had this to copy when I first started affiliate marketing.

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