Friday, May 29, 2009

Why does genealogy matter?

Perhaps today it doesn't matter as much as it once did, especially in this country where - according to legend and tradition - every person at birth gets to start fresh in America. He stands or falls on his own merits, without regard to his family status (Okay! So this is in theory!)

But historically speaking, genealogy was an essential study. After all, it was the method of determining inheritance - especially with nobility. Imagine the need to discover the next heir in line to a throne if the king had no direct son or daughter to pass his rule down to. Detailed and accurate genealogical records were of the essence to ensure the proper individuals received the throne.

As you can expect, even with the utmost care, many times in history more than one genealogical record would suddenly appear . . . . throwing the process of crowning the next heir into bedlam.

But then again - maybe genealogy is still a vital instrument in understanding family histories. In the decades immediately following World War II, families found genealogy instrumental in tracing members displaced by the many tragic facets of the war.

There are other reasons families may get separated as well. Consider famines where some members must flee the country in order to survive. A mother may move away with her children in order to keep them alive. Genealogy can play a role in reuniting of families, or provide clues to the existence of hidden genetic diseases.

Perhaps, as in the events leading up to World War II (and beyond), members of families leave in order to save children or the elderly from undue social persecution . . . or assured death.

In these cases, genealogy plays a major role in making fractured families whole again . . . even if the current family members don't know that they have members missing. Thirty some years ago, a novel, based on a stunningly simple idea of genealogy, gave many African-Americans a new common ancestor, Kunte Kinte, the main character of Alex Haley's book Roots.

In Tip #3, we'll learn about two of the most important documents you'll use as a genealogist. In the meantime, I'd like to leave you with another fascinating piece of Which President is Related to Whom?

Millard Fillmore, famous for . . . well, being the thirteenth president of the United States (talk about an unlucky break!), was related to the Adams family. He was the fourth cousin three times removed of President John Adams; and fifth cousin twice removed of John Quincy Adams.

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