Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Learn Derren Brown Style Psychological Mind Control

A brand new manuscript has just surfaced on the internet that details simple techniques anybody can use to achieve the same astonishing mind control effects performed by the increasingly popular TV entertainer Derren Brown.

The writer of this 'Killer mentalism Manuscript' seems to want his identity to remain somewhat of a mystery as he is known only as 'Charlie X'. Perhaps understandably, there are many professional magicians and hypnotists alike who would sooner see this product off the market!


Well firstly because the tricks revealed are simply stunning, not your usual magic or mentalism effects, you could seriously build a godlike reputation with this stuff. And second, ITS EASY TO DO!

I seen similar effects to these performed on TV and didn't just think, 'wow thats pretty cool magic', I screamed 'where did this guy get his supernatural abilities'.

Thats no joke, I actually believed that real life long dedication had went into to meticulously perfecting subtle psychological suggestion and clever mind manipulation.

So when I stumbled across this Killer Mentalism Manuscript I was very curious to see how it all worked. The author assured me that I would be able to do it myself almost immediately after reading the manuscript, I remained sceptical but decided to put it to the test.

I was a little 'miffed' at the beginning, it was different to what I thought it would be. But as I read on and the principles behind the techniques started to sink in I couldn't help but smile, this is very, very clever stuff. Downright devious! :)

Apparantly there is only going to be a limited run of 500 manuscripts made available, but its still available as I write this so check it out at:


Who knows how long the remaining copies will last but I have a hunch it won't be long.

Click Here For Killer Mentalism!

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