Thursday, April 2, 2009

Does Your Child Have Autism?

Autism is not something you have to manage alone.

It's estimate that as many as 1 in 150 children have Autism.

And it's the fastest growing development disability in the US, increasing in the US alone by 172% in the 1990s.

Autism is more common in boys, but that doesn't mean that girls aren't affected too (boys are 3 - 4 times more likely to be diagnosed with autism).

It's a very complex developmental disorder that generally shows itself at an early age with noticeable delays in skills.

Children with Autism generally display difficulties in three main areas:

- Communication Skills
- Behavioral Characteristics
- Social Abilities

Autism is part of a family of disorders known as Pervasive Developmental Disorders, or PDD's. These are also known as Autistic Spectrum Disorders in many English-speaking countries.

Discovering Autism

The term Autism was first used around 1911 by Eugene Bleuler a Swiss psychiatrist, who derived the word from the Greek word "autos," which means "self" and used it to describe adult schizophrenia.

Then in 1943 Dr Leo Kanner, based on his observation of 11 children between 1938 and 1943, used the term autism to describe children who withdrew from human contact.

Up until the 1960's the medical community felt children who had autism where schizophrenic and many parents blamed themselves for their children's behavior.

Thankfully this outdated concept is no longer the case and autism is recognized as a developmental disorder and not the result of bad parenting or naughty behavior.

To discover what you can do to help your child check out link below:

Remember you can get immediate access to all the information you need to fully understand Autism and the various treatments available.

Just click this link now;

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