Monday, May 18, 2009

Could This Be A Cause of Autism?

The exact cause of autism is unknown with theories ranging from the result of immunization, genetics, or a combination of both...

However, latest findings have demonstrated that there may also be a link between autism and yeast infection.

But what does yeast have to do with autism?

Studies show that children with autism tend to have different 'gut flora' when compared to non-autistic children.

But how does a yeast infection take hold?

Normally healthy "good" bacteria are at work throughout the digestive tract to keep the digestive system operating normally.

However, repeated doses of antibiotics (as would be prescribed, for example, for a regular childhood ear infection), or even exposure to common childhood diseases such as chicken pox, can destroy a large amount of the necessary gut flora, permitting Candida - an aggressive and opportunistic yeast infection - to grow and flourish.

Even in children who have not suffered from many common childhood diseases or who have not recently been prescribed antibiotics, there remain other ways for Candida to take hold in the body.

It is believed that general environmental factors may also be contributory factors.

Exposure to toxins in the air a child breaths and the water he drinks, as well as genetic factors - for example, if a child's mother is prone to yeast infections, this may be passed on to the child. A diet high in sugar also opens up a child to a greater risk of Candida overgrowth.

Researchers now believe that there may be an link between autism and yeast infections which occurs when the Candida multiplies and changes the workings of the digestive tract, releasing a multitude of toxins into the body.

The brain and the rest of the body's systems - such as the digestive system - are strongly linked. Therefore, disturbances within the digestive tract may have a direct impact on the brains functioning leading to a worsening of autism symptoms.

If you're looking for ways to minimize autism symptoms,you can discover effective methods for managing autism symptoms in a downloadable ebook The Essential Guide to Autism.

It's jammed packed full of pratical information, including the lowdown on various treatment options both traditional and alternative, natural remedies you can implement at home and a chapter specifically addressing autism diets and how to start implementing them.

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