Saturday, March 28, 2009

Zox Pro Review

Did you know that we only use about 2% of our brains as adults. Did you also know that when we were babies we actually had "Photographic Memories" . Did you also know that speed reading can be learned by anyone and you can retain up to 90% of what you've read? Once we read something we typically forget about 95% of it within 48 hours.

The average person reads about 250 words a minute but you can train yourself to read a minimum of 25,000 words a minute AND retain everything you've read in your long term memory. Imagine how powerful you would be at work with that ability. Sounds to good to be true doesn't it. I'm considered some kind of genius where I work because of my ability to remember lots of facts and be able to concentrate on problems and focus on solutions. I was fortunate enough to be born with this ability and I don't consider myself smart as much as just having a good memory. It has been a substantial boost to my earnings to have that ability.

Not everyone was as lucky as me to be born with those gifts but I found an online program that actually teaches you to retrain your brain to think clearer, read faster and drastically improve your long term memory. It uses a technique called "Mental Photography". I was of course skeptical at first, after being smart is something your either born with or not and even though I realized anyone can improve their memory somewhat the claims made here seemed a little outrageous. Until I started to read it.

Now I'm a believer. You can improve your long term memory and become a speed reading memory machine with these techniques. I know from experience that having more brain power translates easily into having more money and power.

If you want to radically change your life in a short period I would recommend checking this site out. . Best thing is that if you try the system out and don't think it's worth it you can get a 100% money back guarantee for up to 60 days.

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